Bitcoins: Should We Trust Them Or Not?

Bitcoins: Should We Trust Them Or Not?

Bitcoins: Should We Trust Them Or Not?



Because of their erratic pricing, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and others are frequently in the headlines. However, did you notice that compared to other banking systems, Bitcoin is significantly more stable? Read on to learn more about Bitcoin, how it operates, and how to keep your digital possessions safe. 

Launched in 2009, Bitcoin is digital money. Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency that uses the blockchain, a peer-to-peer network, to log transactions instead of a central authority. Since there are no actual bitcoins, their value fluctuates greatly according to the market.

The birth of numerous other cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin, Cardano and Ethereum and hundreds more, have been influenced by Bitcoin. Any individual with the necessary technological skills may design their own digital currency. Although it might not sound particularly safe, blockchain and cryptocurrency technology are actually quite reliable.

What Makes Bitcoin Safe?

Because it is based on secure technology, the blockchain, bitcoin technology is generally safe. Additionally, Bitcoin is public, decentralized, permissionless, and encrypted. Due to market volatility, however, Bitcoin may not be a secure investment. The following four factors make Bitcoin technology generally secure.

1. Bitcoin relies on dependable cryptography

How safe is Bitcoin? The blockchain is a unique mechanism that supports Bitcoin. The blockchain is an upgraded technology that is based on secure fundamental ideas and encryption in comparison to previous financial solutions.

Blockchain relies on a large number of volunteers to sign hashes that employ cryptography to verify transactions on the Bitcoin network. This method ensures that transactions are often irreversible and that Bitcoin has high data security.

2. Bitcoin is accessible to everyone

Public exposure might not appear safer, but thanks to Bitcoin’s ledger integrity, all transactions, including those involving anonymous parties, are visible to everyone. Because of this, it is incredibly hard to game the system.

Since every transaction is visible to everyone, there is nothing for malicious parties to “hack in” and view because all the data is publicly available.

When compared to the frequent data breaches of established businesses, Bitcoin appears to be much safer. Nothing is going to leak when you purchase or sell bitcoin since you don’t contribute any personal data to the blockchain, such as mailing addresses, credit card information or passwords. 

Compared to when hackers compromise established banking systems, this is entirely different and is much safer.

3. Bitcoin employs a decentralised system

More than ten thousand nodes make up the distributed network of Bitcoin, which monitors all system transactions. With so many nodes, it is guaranteed that even if one of the servers or nodes fails, there will always be another to take over.

Additionally, this implies that it would be useless to attempt to attack one of the servers. Assuming you happen to have access to over 51% of the nodes, which is not impossible but highly rare, there is nothing there that you could take that the other nodes and servers cannot really stop.

4. Permissions are not necessary for Bitcoin.

To be open and decentralised is meaningless if you need to get permission from someone in charge. Since there is no governing agency, anybody may use bitcoin. Bitcoin is open and equitable for everyone because of its absence of restrictions.

What is The Blockchain, Explained

Blockchain is a digital database that records and authenticates transactions by using hash functions to create a unique fingerprint for each one. Each transaction is sent to join a “block” of other transitions once it has been signed and confirmed as unique, at which point it is rendered difficult to change. The blockchain is made up of all of these blocks.

The blockchain is protected with the same security used by virtual private networks (VPNs), banks, and even the military to safeguard their systems and databases. The security system, also known as 256-bit SHA hash algorithms, assigns each transaction with a unique fingerprint which is irreversible. This is unlike encryption which is able to be decoded. 

To put it another way, the data is signed using cryptography in blockchains so that other network members may verify it by using the same cryptographic procedure.

Consensus-based security is another method used by the blockchain. It would require someone to control 51% of the Bitcoin mining capacity, which is highly implausible, for it to be compromised.

Concerns With Bitcoin Security

1. Anonymity is not guaranteed with Bitcoin

Even while Bitcoin technology is generally secure, there are still hazards to take into account before investing.

Bitcoin can hide your personal information, but it cannot hide the address of your cryptocurrency wallet. As a result, you are “pseudonymous” rather than “anonymous,” and someone may be able to utilize hints to find out your personal information. Governments have the power to issue subpoenas for information, and hackers may get data through a variety of illegal methods.

2. The value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate greatly

Although Bitcoin employs strong encryption, one may argue that its volatility makes it a risky investment. With no oversight and a global, round-the-clock market, a bitcoin that was worth $60,000 that day may be worth $30,000 the next.

3. The security of Bitcoin wallets depends on passwords

Crypto wallets are where bitcoins are kept. You’ll be in danger if you forget your wallet password, which is also your Bitcoin password. You can’t get in touch with a central authority to get your account back. Due to forgetting the password to their cryptocurrency wallet, some people have lost millions of dollars.

You must therefore utilize a password manager for this reason. However, even your own safety measures might not be adequate.


Should I give Bitcoin a shot? You will have to exercise your own judgment, just as with other investments. Is Bitcoin genuinely secure? As was previously said, there are several factors that make Bitcoin largely safe. However, there are several grounds for skepticism as well, and only you can determine what constitutes a risk-free investment. If investing appeals to you, be prepared for a range of highs and lows. We hope this article has been helpful to you in deciding whether or not you should invest in Bitcoin, and we wish you all the best in your cryptocurrency investing ventures.

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